Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Late... Josie Update

I should have posted this before now... This is about 2 weeks old.. I go back to the specialist on the 3rd for another ultrasound and will post an update sooner!

Today we had our visit with the specialist. The doctor was great and so was the ultrasound tech. This is what they found and said.They confirmed that Josie does have SUA (Single Umbilical Artery). They also confirmed that everything looks good. They have 6 points that they like to check on the heart and Josie would not cooperate, so they only got to see 2 of the points. They both looked good. The doctor said that those 2 points could rule out 50% of heart defects. Her size is good. Her legs are on the long size for her age. He said that there is a higher chance for chromosome defects or other defects. The one he mentioned as an example was Down Syndrome. However he said that signs are not pointing towards that, but it is still a possibility. We will not know until she is born. I am not worried about it. If that is the case, I will love her just the same. I am now concidered high risk. I have to go back in 4weeks for another ultrasound. Then I go back 4 weeks after that for another. Then that week I start going every week for a non-stress test until she is born. The doctor said that at this point he did not see an issue with me delivering with my regular OB atProgress West, but if anything comes up that he will take over and I will have to go to St. Johns to deliver. He was very open and informational. He was also very hopeful that Josie should be born a normal healthy baby, from what he saw today. They will be keeping a close eye on things to make sure everything continues to look good. He also let us know that SUA is not very common. It is in 1% of pregnancies. I thought that was interesting. Please continue to pray that she keeps growing as good as she is. She is now 1lb 9oz. I am confident that she will be born healthy. I do have a praise report in all of this... We found out that it is all going to be covered 100% by insurance. WHAT A BLESSING!! THANK THE LORD!!!